Crossroads is expanding.

Our Crossroads family is THRILLED to announce we are EXPANDING in to the space next door!

However, this announcement comes with some bittersweet news that we are saying farewell to our amazing neighbors at Qēt Botanicals. The following is part of a message from their blog:

“We're excited to share that we'll be opening a new primary Skin Studio in Spring of this year. {Fort Atkinson}. We're thrilled that we're able to move into a new and exciting space! We'll have an open and airy retail area that's large enough to have events and special gatherings. Our fulfillment and shipping areas are also open and inviting for our team. We're going to have a tea bar with organic teas available for sipping while visiting and experiencing Qēt.”

You can read more about their announcement at

What does this mean for Crossroads? Well, first, a little construction. It will likely be minimal however, some disruption to hours may occur in March/April.

But then, more elbow room…for you and our beautiful baristas.

With more space comes more creativity; events, workshops, classes, music, retail. All of it.

For now, menus and hours will stay the same…for now.

We hope this will be received as great news for Cross Plains. We wouldn’t have the confidence to expand without your continued support and patronage. For that we are extremely grateful. We continue to be amazed by our loyal, dedicated and hard-working staff that support us every single day.

With continued gratitude,

Katy, Dale, Miles, Madeline Ripp and the Crossroads Crew


Crossroads is now bigger and open late!